GRHA PENA, Jl. Jati Murni No.8 Jatipadang, Pasar Minggu Jakarta 12540

Fostering Value of Infrastructure

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Akhmad Suraji, B. Eng, M. Eng, PhD

•Policy advisor for infrastructure investment & financing and the development of PPP Node in the Ministry of  Public Works & Housing  (2011 – to date)

•Policy advisor for the Centre of Strategic Studies, the Ministry of Public Work.The role is to develop public  infrastructure supply-demand analysis and scenario for the development of strategic plan 2015 – 2019, the   Ministry of Public Work, (2013).

•Policy advisor for the Centre of Investment Resources Development, Construction Development Agency for Construction Market Development and Competitiveness. The role was to study the construction market characteristic using SCP analysis, (2012). The deliverables include policy paper on construction market development policy and strategy.

•Policy advisor for the public work office, DIY Government Province. The role was to develop a strategic plan for regional infrastructure development, (2009). The deliverables include policy paper on regional infrastructure needs and development frameworks.

•Policy advisor for the Public Work Office, The Government of Yogyakarta Special Region. The role was to develop a needs assessment and analysis of public infrastructure investment related to human settlement and local government fiscal capacity assessment for infrastructure financing, (2008). The deliverables include policy paper on infrastructure investment plan for human settlement.

•Infrastructure specialist for the ILO for rural infrastructure needs assessment and development in Aceh Province. The role was to develop rural road infrastructure development strategy for Aceh Province, (2006). The deliverables include policy paper on rural road infrastructure development needs and implementation strategy.

•Project Management Specialist, Member of the ILO Infrastructure Team for Post Tsunami Aceh Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. The role was to provide infrastructure damage assessment and rehabilitation and reconstruction needs, (2006). The deliverables include document of infrastructure damage assessment and rehabilitation and reconstruction needs.

•Land Transport Researcher, University Network for Rural Infrastructure Development, AUSAID Funded Project. The role was to develop rural land transport demand analysis and development policy, (2005). The deliverables include policy paper on land transport development needs analysis and policy frameworks.

•National Consultant for Maintenance Strategy for Sustainable Rural Infrastructure Demonstration Project (SRIDP), International Labour Organisation (ILO), Coordinating Team for Rural Infrastructure Development (CTRID), Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affair, Jakarta-Indonesia. The role was to develop the rural road maintenance policy framework and management and technology guideline for local governments, (2004). The deliverables include issue paper, working paper and policy paper on rural infrastructure maintenance policy and maintenance management and technology guidelines.

  • Project management
  • Infrastructure management
  • Construction industry policy
  • Infrastructure development policy
  • Construction contract
  • Construction safety
  • Risk analysis

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