Oding Hirawan, Ir, MM
Oding Hirawan, was born in Semarang
20 October 1968,. A business professional and entrepreneur
with vast experience from working abroad, has intimate knowledge of
the Indonesian as well as foreign business communities due to years of
experience in consulting local and international companies on doing business
in South East Asia, particularly in Indonesia, speaker at international workshop and conference
Previous experience as a Commercial Advisor, Danish Trade Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark The Danish Trade Council is the governmental export and investment organization under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark.
Among my main duties are: Answering enquires from and providing consultancies to companies and institution with Denmark’s interest about possible business opportunities. Establishing and maintaining contacts to local companies and the bureaucracy, doing market research, organize meetings; seminars; workshops. Collecting general and specific information of interest for the Danish business community.
Involve in the many and varied tasks in connection with the Denmark Embassy’s assistance to Indonesia (development projects) and Danish businesses..
Later as Director (and owner) PT. Grasia Media Utama (GMU), Insurance Brooker, In cooperation with a State Owned Company PT. JASINDO, GMU developed program and system for protecting Indonesian workers abroad (TKI) through insurance program. More than 600.000 TKI per year register in the program. He also provided technical assistance to the Ministry of Manpower to formulate and launch regulations (Peraturan Menteri) pertaining to the above program.
At Present Commissioner (and co-owner) Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) Muliatama and Offering companies individual advices/consultancies on all issues important for their international activities.
He has researched for Kementrian PUPR task “Construction Market Intelligence untuk Mendorong Ekspor Konstruksi Indonesia” 2105, as team Leader, Kementrian PUPR. And “Studi Pola Ketertarikan Investor Asean & Asia Timur Dalam Pengusahaan Infrastruktur”, 2105, as a team member, Kementrian PUPR.
His competence are very strong in Market Intelligence, business strategic & alliance business knowledge.
- Strategic Development
- Risk Management
- Business Strategic
- Business Development